Find Your ‘Why’

Why are you a musician?

It's a question musicians rarely consider, even though we operate in a ‘passion’ industry, but as we embark on the new year and resolutions are on your mind, it’s important to consider the driving forces behind our actions and endeavors, not just the actions themselves.

In the realm of a music career, understanding your "Why" gets at the core of who we are and who we want to transform, and we can use Simon Sinek's "Why" framework as a guide for discovering purpose in your career as an artist.

To find your "Why" in your music career, consider the following:

  1. Reflect on your values and beliefs: What do you hold dear as an artist? Is there a particular message or type of music you strive to create? Are their certain people you want to transform positively through music?

  2. Identify your passions and interests: What do you love about making music? What themes or genres do you enjoy exploring in your art?

  3. Think about your goals: What do you hope to achieve through your music? Do you have particular artists or groups you want to perform with? Is there a specific venue or level of performance you aspire to reach?

  4. Find your "Why": Once you've identified your values, passions, and goals, it's time to synthesize them and discover your "Why." This statement is a compelling reason for why you make music that resonates with you on a deep level and motivates you to pursue your goals. Shorten it down to as few words as possible for more clarity and power.

Finding your ‘Why’ will not only yield deeper connection to your artistic muse, but can also serve as a very helpful metric when deciding what work to take on. When combined with artistic level and financial goals, your ‘Why’ can be a clarifying metric when considering which gigs to take, which people to work with, and what music to perform.

Let’s aim to connect with our ‘Why’ this year.


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